Sunday, September 19, 2010

Utah part 2

We also went to visit The kids at Josh and Amanda's and dragged Hayden with us.. The kids are getting so big, especially little Joshua.

We also stayed up at my Dad's house and their new dog little Oakley is getting is a silly little thing here are some pictures of her being silly.

when we were staying at Jared's Dad's house we went to this smoothie place called i think smoochies.. They had this couch shaped as lips and we took some pic's on it.

We also went swimming with Jess and Emily and Erica and the kids at Emily's in-laws, it was a blast.

We also went shopping to get decorations for Josh and Amanda's rehearsal dinner.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Josh and Amanda!!!!

SO my brother Josh finally married Amanda! She was already part of the family but now it is official! The day before the wedding we did a rehersal dinner in Morgan and it was a blast. My step-mom and Tom and Brynn did the cooking and me and my Mom decorated, but Josh is actually the one who picked out the decorations :). Here are some pic's from the dinner.

It was a good time had by all! Now here are some wedding pictures :)

Fun was had by all! It was a beautiful wedding! Love you guys!